Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Night Special

Cruise home in the Road Monster to find Sister2 + nieces in place at the farm. Kids soaking up the Simpsons and S2 in the car mellowing out. Fortuitously, I had stopped off at "The Glades" to pick up a 6pack (undoubtely more to come on the salubrious *Glades* at another time) of Melbourne Bitter to wash away the worst sins of the week.
We moved onto the front porch and sat in the gloom shooting off our mouths about how crap things had been, and who's workmates are the bigger dickheads. Pa & I cracked a brew each, Ma arrived home - the kids washed in and out giving us updates on the TV dramas unfolding. Two beers in, Kirralee (the 6 year old) goes, "Can we play a game?" which is usually a prelude to an enforced round or two of Uno.
"Sure sweety, " I saw, feeling two-beers generous, "You go get it."
Off she scuttles, and just moments later prances back in holding aloft her mighty prize - my poker chips set.

Let's hope this one doesn't make it to show and tell.
So we set up, deal out and she's into it. There's 6 of us including the girls and we go quite a few hands, with the little one scooping the pot more than once. That's got to be the highlight of my week - coaching my tiny niece on the correct ettiquette for calling, raising, going "all in" and how to announce she whopped yer ass.
"Now you say, 'two pair, aces high.'.... good girl!!"
Yes sir, that's just brilliant.
Particularly when she beat out a full house with a straight.
Makes that shitty day in the office fade into the background.
Let's crack open that last stubbie and put the feet up.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is gorgeous. and i want to learn to play poker.