Thankfully, yesterday afternoon was anti-climactic in the "personal danger - excitement of living" area.
There a many, many people in the world who would draw a great deal of inspiration and srt from such a moment, and I am not one of them. I am dull.
Today I saw an antique steam train in pristine "Harry Potter" condition chugging across the old rail bridge (which I had been told was no longer in use). I was in almost the identical spot as yesterday when I saw the bomber. Perhaps TC has it's own tiny Bermuda Triangle? How intriguing!! I may have to swing by it more often and see if I can catch glimpses of bogans throughout the ages.
I wonder if the marketing team have thought of this?
They could use the help - currently the "Top 20 Reasons to Visit Ipswich" lists (with a straight face) (in no particular order) golf (!), dining (!), walking tours (listed 3 times - city, bush & heritage), friendly clubs (local leagues club!) and, shopping (! yes, the people are standing out the front of a Wendy's Donuts!).
In this light the odd bomber sighting must be utterly gripping - better spice up this Bermuda Triangle link asap.
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