Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fungus Estate

Riley and I went for a walk this morning down to an unpopulated estate. It has new roads, lights, footpaths, signposts, everything except houses. No houses. It backs onto one of the reserves, the Bremer, and a picturesque (but way too noisy) railway bridge. There's always plenty of birds in the trees, and as it's on a good rise, a great view of the swollen dirty river broiling it's way towards Brisbane.
I like walking that way because it's a walk that has decent paths and if the mood and the weather are right, we can do it a long way and take an hour, or the practical way and do it in 30 minutes. Riley likes it because it has plenty of sniffing and peeing, and some good stretches where he can have a good run.
The thing I noticed again today, is after all of the rain we've been having how many fungi grow wild. Such a huge variety of toadstools and weird things that look like something a giant animal coughed up out of it's throat. The colours range from softest ivory through to orange leather, and the structures too are amazing. Classic toadstools, and fake mushrooms, then the sides of leather, the blobby ones, the ridgy ones, tiny flimsy looking things just sketched lightly and really pointy ones, caricaturing themselves.
So we were walking through this estate, almost eerie in being completely empty of the houses it was designed for, but walking past a lush and continuous display of fungi. It was an odd juxtaposition, and really set the scene for us to be kidnapped by faeries or fall into a parallel world.
I don't think that happened, unless I've just been dreaming that I'm at work.
I will be a bit disappointed when people finally start building here, even though it is crazy to do all this expensive development and not use it. I wonder what the hold-up is? There aren't even any "For Sale" signs up. It feels so private at the moment, but we'll have to share it eventually. Until that time, Riley and I can sneak down there and dream our separate dreams.


Anonymous said...


Just thought I would do the drop in.

I'm pottering along with my life. Not doing anything exciting.

A while ago I decided that I didn't need to earn lots of money (no suprise there) and I achieved more satisfaction from craft/writing/programming etc than I did at work. Since then I've been doing phone support (mainframe). It is a fairly non-technical job and I spend large amounts of my time at work playing games and watching TV shows.

I've dropped by at various times in the last years just to touch base and see how you are getting on with your life. I feel it is now safe to de-cloak.

So this is me.

For contact details. At one stage I forgot my hotmail password - so now I am using themink17 (still hotmail). I have avoided facebook etc. I have a deviantart account (That I intend to post into any day now) and a live journal account (That I use to keep track of my friends) - but my net presence is virtually none-existant.

I still don't have a mobile - I keep getting tempted, but I really enjoy being uncontactable.

Still in Perth. Living with a couple. Still single. Had a girlfriend last year for a month - turns out she was "mad as a cut snake"

I'm not sure what else I can usefully say at this point.

Gratz on the book
Gratz on the house
Gratz on Riley

Paul S

J9 said...

Sometimes the phrase "a bolt from the blue" is not trite, hackneyed nor inappropriate.
That is exactly how hearing from you has struck me.

I’m glad to hear a hello from you, and thanks for the gratz. I hope your family are all well. You sound like … well… just like you.

I need a cup of tea.