Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year: Same Me

welcome back to the blog one and all!
(This is a speed blog - I've set my timer at 10mins to make myself say hello.)

I have been in denial that 07 is done and dusted, and what better day to build a bridge and get over it that the 8th?! A week and a day! So how was your Festivus? The big news here is Helen! Ex-Cyclone Helen and the Dorothea Mackellar-type floods that's she's brought to the entire eastern seaboard it seems like. I would love it if only:
a) it was less hot and humid
b) there wasn't a really big tree in my yard that the family immediately identified as a "widow maker"
c) there was decent telly and I hadn't already run out of ROME and BSG S3!

Ma and Pa have been flooded-in on the farm now and then. They're rolling in it. A temporary creek has sprung up and is winding it's way through the front paddock. Complete with swimming ducks. Three months ago, we were just hoping the olive trees didn't die. Now the tanks and dams on the property have all overflowed, and the grass is back up to waist-height. Yay! Nature, what can I say?

In other news, going back to work has been a push. Even a little break like a week can really bump me out of all my structural habits (not hitting snooze when the alarm sounds!) and combined, well, there's lead weights on my feet as I drag myself to work in the mornings. I'm sure it will pass ... I heard today that Mars has been in a nasty retrograde mood. Well, if Mars says "talk to the hand" mortals ought to take it easy!

That's my 10min folks. Hope you and yours are well, and enjoying living.

Quote for the day from Neil Gaiman's blog:
"I'm only wearing black until they invent a darker colour."


Anonymous said...

A "widow maker"? Are they seriously suggesting that they can divine your future from the trees in your yard? You might point out that we've been living in this whole "don't need to sacrifice the good oxen to the wrathful spirits" type world for some time now -- after all they've got microwave ovens and internal combustion engines and whatnot...

And what would prediciting the future from your trees be called anyway? Dendromancy, I think...

J9 said...

Although that is a genius observation ... remember, this comment ceoms from country people. Ie. think pratical and dry/black humour.
Trans: it's the kind of tree that drops whole/major branches, esp during storms.

"Dendromancy is a form of divination where oak or mistletoe is set aflame, then the prediction made by examining the direction and shape of the smoke produced."
How did you know that? That's amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I try to stay hip to the various things the zany young people are doing in regards "magic". That and using my 'leet latin powers -- only for good, mind you...