Sunday, May 04, 2008

Remembering Neil Gaiman at Kinokuniya Sydney in 2005

I have let myself be totally over-excited this week about seeing Neil Gaiman at Books Kinokuniya on Tuesday (now only 2 sleeps to go!). In fact I've embraced my nerdy fandom and revelled in it. I've re-read American Gods, I've re-read vol 1 of the Absolute Sandman, and I'm now reading Fragile Things. I've been dipping into Hanging Out with the Dream King and just letting it all absorb into me. This might sound a bit childish and indulgent, but I assure you I have two quite sound reasons.

One, I am terrified of being deeply uncool when the time comes and sounding like a wacky, possibly dangerous psycho-lady. I am not a psycho lady (certified) and would really prefer to have my wits about me. Hence this week of gushing to whomever would listen and jumping up and down when I think no-one is looking. Moving it through the system, so to speak.
Two, it's fun.

Yeah, fun. Deal with it.

Why am I such a fan of Neil Gaiman? I can't confidently say in a concise way. I'm really hoping that by Tuesday night something coherent will coalesce because just rambling and raving is not going to set the tone well at all. In no particular order, here are some of the reasons:
he writes stories that are exciting and satisfying, he's funny, he shares things about himself and seems to trust that this will enrich his life rather than hurt him, he's a loving dad, he writes great stories, he has a very warm smile and is present (not distracted or checking his watch) when he's talking to you, he is interested and therefore interesting and he has badly-behaved hair that adds to his charm all the more. Plus he writes, and writes and writes and writes. He is inspiring and inspired.

See? Still gushing quite a bit. The last time Neil was at Books Kinokuniya was 20 July 2005 (2 years, 9 months and 16 days ago as of next tuesday night .... but who's counting?) and I didn't have a blog then, so I'm going to put the intro I did then into this post. I only had about 4 hours notice that I would be doing it, and as we'd been working towards it in the store for weeks, I was in an almost trance-like state by the time it happened. I'm told it was a great introduction! Thankfully I had my preparation notes to read later. I think it was considered good on two counts - one it was very short - two it was not the usual horrific list of awards and cliches and was delivered with absolute passion and a winning smile. You can get away with a lot if you smile. Anyway, here it is.

Welcome Speech to Neil Gaiman 20Jul05

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Sprites, Elves, Faeries, Demons, Trolls, Fans, bemused onlookers, and staff, welcome to Kinokuniya Sydney!

Today is proof that sometimes, wishes do get granted, that dreams do come true. That one day, Heroes from far & exotic lands may indeed pass through our very own village on their way between glories. They may bestow upon those of us who line the streets to cheer them, a sign, a word, a smile - and in that moment we are all woven together.

For booksellers, it is a particular pleasure to see authors & readers in one place - a joyful & sacred experience. Our honoured guest today has won so many awards & written so many books it would be beside the point to list them. Most importantly, he has reached into each of us through his stories, and with myth, with humour, with compassion & curiosity he has invited our hearts & minds to thrum.

Please, I invite you to make welcome, Mr Neil Gaiman.

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