Monday, November 10, 2008

You don't know what you don't know (thank you Captain Obvious!)

The world is an interesting place if only for the powerful, invisible powers that inhabit it. I'm not talking here about magnetic flux, or light being both a wave and a stream of particles, or gravity and their ilk - fascinating though they may be. No, I am talking about odd coincidences, the power of synchronicity as Jung described the "acausal connecting principle". I would love to know if there's a word for when the acausal connecting principle goes non-linear.
Yes, synchronicity is non-linear itself. I get that, but so many times people use the example of thinking of someone you haven't heard of in ages, and then they ring you. That seems pretty directly linked to me. How it happens is the off-the-hook, but the emotional/intellectual connection is direct. Some definitions make a bit more sense "...a colliding of the seen and unseen realities. Within the improbable events there will be layers of hidden meanings that ring true in your innermost being." It sounds more like magic to me.
Anyway, I digress. The story I wanted to share with you today was that almost 2 years to the day, I had a date on the weekend. Yes, two years.
(Strangely, my last date and I went to see the new James Bond film - Casino Royale, and guess what's in the cinemas next weekend for the (still theoretical) second date with the new guy? You guessed it! The new James Bond film - Quantum of Solace!! But that's not even the part!)
So here I am in the heated heart of post-week-one-euphoria (see Week One in Review) and now grasping at plot straws (I have a villain - I just can't seem to get him a big enough and evil enough Dastardly Plan). I am writing and reading crazy at the moment, and I have a date! Excitement overload. I can't wait to share my interests with him.
We rendezvous in a bookstore (reference section) and he says "I never knew this section was here." Not an immediately great sign, but not impossible to recover from. He's good looking, he's turned up, he's keen for a coffee. We proceed. He has manners, entertaining hobbies, a science degree, seems pretty happy to talk to me, likes arthouse movies and oh-yeah is dyslexic.


Thanks acausal connecting principle!

So, as I'm writing this story and therefore it's all about me, we can skip all the heartwarming stuff about how he's overcome this difficulty and what tricks he has to manage stuff and so on (bright as a button this chap) and instead dwell for a moment on how I was confronted by an assumption I didn't realise I had. We would not be able to share the pleasure of reading. Something so central to my life that I didn't even see it has no real place in his except as something worked at for a specific purpose.
Huh. Didn't see that coming.

After a while though, I started to see some benefits to the idea. No unwelcome comments about drafts, no fighting over categorisation systems for shelves, no long and pedantic disagreements about etymologies. God, it's sounding brilliant. No bad-mouthing of beloved authors or diminishing of children's books. Just coz I'm in love with spines and folios and fiddling around with pens, why should I assume that I need to always be around others who feel that way?

Apparently, he's a very good cook. Yes, thank you acausal connecting principle, I wouldn't have made this step on my own! Now, as long as he likes playing cards ....

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