Wednesday, October 11, 2006

West Side of the Room

As the new kid in this McJob, I get the desk with the only phone that rings (and ring it does). Actually in this place everyone's pretty nice... the difficulty is in staying awake as I'm nestled against the western wall and the heat radiating out from it by 3pm hits that internal hardwired snooze button.
Each week as I make another mistake I learn one more of the labyrinthine kinks in this place's filing system. "No no no, only P/L files are red!" and so we go...

Isn't that just how life works - we all want to be the one to see the big picture and to really *get it* and so often, the difference between having a good day and a bad day can be how one 2 minute phone call goes or the milk being off in your first coffee. We're more vulnerable than we like to imagine. On the other hand, it's also easier to spread a little bit of light than you might think. Just as things seemed relentless in their dullness, the Cardigan Man gave me a slice of mudcake.
Now that's awesome.

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