Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Write a Novel in a Month

It's that time of year again - November is (inter)National Write a Novel in a Month time.
I've chickened out enough times before that I'm gung-ho this year. There's some neat technical things that I'm trying to figure out so my blog will show my live word count. There's three of us so far - I'm hoping we'll get a few more signed up in our group. Of course, while I'm sitting reading the FAQ, my writing buddies are already plotting and sketching story arcs. Curse them!Curse their cornucopia of ideas and their willingness to stay up later than me!

Don't worry, I'm playing a long game on this one. I've got the stamina, I've got the staying power, I've got a commercial supply of coffee!!
Jeeze - this is going to be more fun than Talk Like A Pirate Day!

The clock starts at one minute past midnight.
Gentlemen, sharpen your pencils...

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